2025-2026 Letter Of Intent
Each Spring we ask that parents inform us of their plans for the next school year, and we collect an annual Curriculum & Supply Fee. The fee is $250. KidWorks' school year runs from August of the current year to August of the following year. Please complete the appropriate section below. Spaces for which we have not received the fee by March 31st will be released for open enrollment. There is a $100 late fee for payments made after March 31st, space permitting.
If you plan on your child attending KidWorks after Wednesday, August 6th 2025, complete the "We're Staying" section to pay the fee and continue enrollment. To pay the fee for multiple children change the Quantity.
If your child will be withdrawn on or before Wednesday, August 6th 2025 please complete the "We're Outta Here" section to advise us of your projected withdrawal date. No fee is due.
Silver Stars cannot remain enrolled after Wednesday, August 6th 2025.
We're Staying :)
If you plan on your child attending KidWorks for the upcoming school year, use the link below to complete the enrollment process. Note that while you're not legally bound to remain enrolled, the Curriculum &Supply Fee is non-refundable. For multi-child families you may submit a single form with multiple First Names and change the Quantity. There is no multi-child discount on Enrollment Fees. To avoid a $100 Late Fee we must receive your payment no later than March 31st. If you’re not sure you’re staying and need additional time (an application pending at another center or private school, or a possible move out of the area, for example) please reach out to your school’s Director to make arrangements.
2020 COVID Discount
In March of 2020 we made the decision to close to protect children from exposure to COVID 19. During the two month closure, families were given the option of continuing to pay 50% in exchange for future discounts and incentives, including discounted Enrollment Fees. Thanks to those families, we were able to pay our staff 100% of their regular pay, and maintain their health insurance during the closure.
Only children who have been continuously enrolled since March 2020 receive a $25 Discount on Enrollment Fees. Please use the link below.
Discounted Enrollment Fees apply to families who have been continuously enrolled since March 2020 and paid tuition through the period we were closed.
We're Outta Here :(
Intent To Withdraw On Or Before Wednesday, August 6th. No Fee Is Due.
We wish to advise KidWorks of our intent to withdraw our child and release our child's space for enrollment. We understand that KidWorks agrees to hold our child's space through the expected withdrawal or graduation date indicated below. In the event the date changes and we need to extend our enrollment we acknowledge that KidWorks may not be able to offer an extension. We understand that in any event, our enrollment will terminate automatically on Wednesday, August 6th 2025. (No enrollment fee is due).