A Message From Cathy & Mike

In almost 30 years of operation, the challenges presented by Covid 19 are unlike anything we’ve ever had to handle. Seriously… We used to flip out if we encountered a persistent tummy bug.

Now that we’re facing a variant that can, and does, affect children, Covid 19 Delta is even more serious than the virus we dealt with back in 2020.

The question facing parents is, “Is group care safe for my child?”. It’s as safe as we can make it within some pretty obvious limitations. We have taken steps recommended by the CDC, like cohorting (avoiding mixing groups), upgraded HVAC systems with anti-virus UV scrubbers, masks for all staff, curbside, touchless drop off and pick up, nightly bleach fogging, daily toy and common surface disinfecting.

Here are the things the CDC recommends that we aren’t doing:

  • Requiring all staff to show proof of vaccination. Florida’s legislature made asking for proof illegal. Some of our staff are not vaccinated and remain reluctant to do so, irrespective of encouragement or cash incentives.

  • Requiring everyone potentially exposed to a positive case at KidWorks to stay home and quarantine for 14 days. We do exclude symptomatic staff and children and require medical clearance to return, and we exclude anyone with a positive household member as well. We also notify everyone about any exposure or potential exposure via text or message as soon as practicable. But it’s impossible for the centers to stay viable if we’re closed more than we’re open, and were we to close classes or an entire school for every positive, that’s what we’d be doing.

  • Requiring children 2 and up to wear masks. We do encourage masks for children 3 and up, but do not mandate them.

Is group care at KidWorks safe? So far, the positive cases we’ve had in children have been relatively mild, and the children have finished quarantine and returned, but there’s no guarantee that trend will remain unblemished by a more severe case, or a case requiring hospitalization. So it’s as safe as we can make it and still be available to provide care for your child while you work, but until a vaccine is available for kids, we cannot eliminate all risk.

We want you to know this going in.